Join us in giving the gift of vision to those who are living in underserved communities and are in desperate need of vision care. As supporters of the charitable organization Optometry Giving Sight, we’ll make a donation toward an eye exam for a person in need every time you complete a subscription through LensFerry S. Visit their site for more details:
Patient’s also receive an additional $50 from Lens Ferry after completion of a year supply.
We have already been able to provide eye care to one little girl. This is Renata’s story:
Renata is 8 years old. Below you can see the picture of the front of her school in a small town outside of Oaxaca Mexico. Below is the image of her classroom where she is in 3rd grade. They only do half days of school so the kids can help out at home. The area Renata lives in was very poor and as we were performing exams, many parents told us to stop because they could not afford to pay for the exam or for the glasses. When we told them it was free they were in shock and could not thank us enough. Because of the subscriptions that offices like Dynamic eye Care have entered we were able to perform over 1,000 exams over 3 days.